Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

About Google Adsense And How Does It Work?

. Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009
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1Article World | About Google Adsense And How Does It Work?

About Google Adsense And How Does It Work?

By: Qsantra Q

You’ve heard about Google Adsense, but how does it work? Can you really make money by just allowing Google to place ads on your website? For more detail go to: if so, how much money can you make? The following are the most informational Google Adsense basics you need to know.

You must first have a website before you can apply for a Google Adsense account and start profiting from Google Adsense. You are more likely to be rejected if you use a free domain, so invest in your own domain. And make sure that your website makes sense; that may sound obvious, but if you are running a website that is disorganized with random content scattered all over the place, you will not be viewed as professional and will most likely be rejected.

Once your site has been accepted, Google will give you a code to paste on your site, thus enabling them to start placing ads on your site that are relevant to the content of your site. For example, if your website is about creating scrapbooks, Google might place ads on your site dealing with places to purchase scrapbook materials.

Now, what about making money? Google makes money by advertising. So, by placing ads on your site, you are helping them to advertise by providing them with a place to display their ads. Every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of the ads that Google has placed on your site, you receive a certain percent of the money. It’s a win/win situation. Google Adsense allows you to view your account and earnings information at any time, and once a month you will receive a check for the amount of money you earned.
Now you must be thinking that why should you share the advertising revenue with Google when you are doing all the hard work of attracting visitors to your blogs? Well, that is because Google has a brand name which you perhaps don’t have right now. For more help visit from that Google being a huge organization has more credibility amongst the advertisers than an individual or a small company. So threes nothing to fret about if you have to share the revenue generated out of advertising with Google Adsense. If you want to see what I am saying tries and persuades 4 companies to advertise on your website and pay you on per click basis.

So, if you’re dedicated to the website you operate; why not make an extra profit from it as well? Or, maybe you’re looking for a way to make some extra cash
On the side and are interested in a subject enough to create a website for it. for more detail go way, consider these Google Adsense basics and check into opening a Google Adsense account of your own.

Author Resource:->  For more information please click the link below:

Article From 1Article World

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Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

More About Meta Tags

. Jumat, 23 Januari 2009
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Sometimes you have to ignore advice. And one case for this is all the advice all over the Internet about the importance of meta keywords. That's old news. The meta keywords are simply not the powerhouses they once were, and are not worth investing SEO (search engine optimization) efforts on. To find out more about what happened to King Keyword and which meta tags you should be more concerned about, keeping reading . . .

Why "" Tags With Keywords Fell Out of Favor

For years, unscrupulous webmasters planted false keywords in tags in an attempt to trick search engines, as well as using tags to lead users to spam sites. In response, the search engines ceased to use the keywords.

AltaVista was one of the last of the major search engines to use keyword tags, and they stopped in the summer of 2002. It was also in 2002 that Journal of Internet Cataloging in included an article in which Monika Henziger, the Google Director of Research was quoted as saying, "Currently, we don't trust metadata." And at the Google Webstats section of the code site, an article from December, 2005 is less than enthusiastic about the keywords tag, saying that currently it's "mostly useless." So, yes: keyword tags are history (

Looking at Google Page Source at, for example,, shows that they practice what they preach. The only tag in the header is::

No keywords tag.

Today's Key Tags

Now that we've put keywords in their place, let's turn our attention to the tags that are currently important.

The Description

Most of the major search engines support the description property within the name attribute. What's more, it's possible to arrange for the material you place in this tag to be reported in search results in combination with other material that they may choose to include, such as:

• some of the description you have supplied to the DMOZ/ODP (Open Directory Project), a process that you can read about in more detail in the article "Getting Listed in ODP/DMOZ"

• some of the first sentence of text in the body of the webpage

• a section of text that includes the initial use of the search term in the page's body text or navigation, possibly with the search term in a highlight color to make it stand out

Reports indicate that by including a description tag, you can get search engines to include between 100 and 200 words of the description in search results.

This is the format to use to make a description tag:

Just as it's best if each page of your site has a unique title tag, so it's similarly a good thing to give each page a unique and appropriate description, reserving a general description solely for your home page. Besides giving the searcher a better idea about the content of your site, apparently unique page descriptions is one of the factors that encourages the Google search engine to include your description text, in preference to other material.

Just as with title tags, you can write in short, descriptive phrases, rather than sentences, if that works better for the material you need to convey. A product description, for example, might list the product type, the key features, and the price for each item, resulting in a tag something like this:

If you wish, you can also direct search engines to omit DMOZ/ODP material and substitute your description tag material. To do this, you create the following tag:

The Robots Tag

And with that robots tag, we segue into the robot section. There are several important uses of robot tags:

• Prevent robots from indexing your page (if it is for interoffice communication only or part of a personal site) like this:

• Prevent robots from following page links like this:

• Combine the "noindex" and "nofollow" tags like this:

The Content-Type Tag

Google's webstats says that this is the most often used tag value, likely due to the fact that it is the standard way to identify the type of material on the page and the character this article has all rights reserved and is copyright by 100 Best set to the browser. Here are some examples:

source :

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Translate text or webpage With Google Translate

1 komentar

do you have script or Web page to translate to any language?

Just enter a search phrase in your own language to find information in other languages.
and then enjoy translate and search quickly.

Google translate have translation tools, with single click and make your home page instantly available in other language ....

So it is easy to translate to other language .... just use google translate oke ....

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Site Check Up : Analize and Optimize your web

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How is your webpage performing the search engine's point of view?
To check the meta description tag, meta tags and keyword meta tags .... you can visit the site

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Try to increase traffic? Get tips ... try Optimization analysis of your website here ...

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Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009

Mempromosikan RSS Blog dalam hitungan menit

. Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009
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Link ini akan membantu Anda mempromosikan blog Anda dan menghemat waktu. Jika Anda perlu untuk mempromosikan RSS feed dengan cepat, ini adalah daftar untuk Anda.

Melalui link-link ini blog anda akan bertemu dengan pembaca baru....yups pembaca baru berarti page rank pun bertambah...dan hola..pendapatan anda bertambah pula....Blog ini adalah alat promosi yang disusun oleh Alexa peringkat.


Alexa Rank: 1

Alexa Rank: 40,580

Alexa Rank: 48,749

Alexa Rank: 50,796

Alexa Rank: 54,519

Alexa Rank: 61,095

Alexa Rank: 65,804

Alexa Rank: 75,273

Alexa Rank: 78,713

Alexa Rank: 83,583

Alexa Rank: 84,085

Alexa Rank: 84,877

Alexa Rank: 97,925

Alexa Rank: 125,179

Alexa Rank: 130,031

Alexa Rank: 147,956

Alexa Rank: 180,324

Alexa Rank: 188,880

Alexa Rank: 194,134

Alexa Rank: 199,628

Alexa Rank: 207,126

Alexa Rank: 208,377

Alexa Rank: 215,543

Alexa Rank: 218,364

Alexa Rank: 219,460

Alexa Rank: 221,653

Alexa Rank: 237,560

Alexa Rank: 241,047

Alexa Rank: 274,917

Alexa Rank: 276,090

Selamat, Anda telah melakukan promosi di tiga puluh situs berbeda. Saya harap Anda menikmati posting ini. Saya yakin lalu lintas tambahan yang Anda dapatkan sebagai hasil dari upaya Anda akan juga menghabiskan waktu yang berharga.

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Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Tips Desain Blog Friendly

. Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
1 komentar

Tanpa daya tarik blog anda akan sepi gimana caranya agar blog kita didatangi dan terus didatangi oleh pengunjung...yuk belajar bersama menemukan tipsnya......
ini dia tipsnya :

1) tema Blog

Tema blog harus sesuai dengan deskripsi blog anda...atau blog anda itu isinya apa..kurang lebih seperti itu...
Jangan tambahkan gambar-gambar yang tidak sesuai atau tidak perlu...hal ini hanya akan menambah bingung pembaca..hehehe....

2) PErkenalkan Diri

Memperkenalkan siapa diri kita...sehingga pembaca akan merasa dekat dan tahu siapa kita...alias bukan sekedar bayangan semata....

3) Tampilan Informasi Kontak

Idenya adalah untuk membangun hubungan dengan pembaca sehingga pembaca mudah mengkontak kita..baik email atau kalo ID YM...

4) Jangan Sembunyikan Your Best Work

Yang saya maksud disini adalah ketika Anda memposting artikel menarik atau angka yang lebih besar dari biasanya, membuat ini lebih mudah tersedia untuk semua pengunjung. Mungkin menganggap mereka menjadi bagian yang terpisah seperti 'pos paling dilihat agar pemirsa dapat dengan mudah mengenali dan mengaksesnya. Bangga akan posting ini dan mengambil keuntungan dari popularitas mereka.

5) Tampilan Blog Anda Tidak Membuat Lelah Mata

Hindari godaan untuk meramaikan blog Anda dengan 'mata penangkapan' atau warna font. Warna-warna yang cerah dan tajam menyiksa mata hanya karena beberapa font yang lebih sulit untuk dibaca daripada yang lain. Bila memungkinkan gunakan nada warna ringan dan mencoba untuk paling tidak meminimalkan penggunaan warna terang khususnya di daerah-daerah di mana pengunjung yang diharapkan dapat membaca kata-kata. Times New Roman, Arial, font dan Georgia telah dibuktikan melalui pengujian yang akan lebih mudah dibaca, maka sebagian besar lainnya tersedia font.

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Meningkatkan Traffic melalui RSS

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Melihat judul ini jangan lantas berfikiran saya jago traffic saya aja masih minim...

ini hanya share cara baru meningkatkan traffic....walaupun belom saya maksimalkan....
caranya :

1. Subcribe ke
2. Memperbarui alamat RSS feed dalam balasan.
3. Feed Anda akan bergabung dengan feed lainnya.
4. Nikmati membaca posting yang lain sementara yang lain menikmati postingan Anda.
5. Memberikan posting menarik kunjungan ke blog dan komentar.

Ide dasarnya adalah untuk memberi tahu orang lain dari blog Anda dan isinya. Posting Anda akan mendapatkan lalu lintas dan dengan membaca blog-blog lainnya akan mendapatkan lebih banyak ide untuk menulis blog. Termasuk judul ini tentunya..:)

Kondisi: No Porn Blogs silakan karena diberikan untuk semua usia blogger.

Nikmati membaca blog dan mendapatkan traffics.


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Cara dapat 100 dollar setiap hari

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wow! dapat 100 dollar setiap hari dari internet, kalo dirupiahkan sekitar 1jutaan ya ...mendekati atau lebih sedikit kalo kebetulan dolar lagi naik...hmm apa betul..apa iya....ya iyalah masa ya iya dong..duren aja dibelah masa malah bercanda....:).

didunia online yang tak ada batas benua ini semua serba mungkin, kerjaan nun jauh disana bisa dikerjakan cukup dari rumah...asal ada koneksi internet, punya komputer, punya tekad..lebih bagus lagi bisa english minimal passive lah....pasti bukan cuma 100$ lebih pun mungkin aja.

Karena pembayarannya dalam dollar maka terlebih dahulu untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan pembayaran harus punya account paypal terlebih dahulu, atau alertpay...bagusnya sih memiliki kedua-duanya...

karena ingin dapat 100$ itu dari blog..tentu saja harus punya blog terlebih dahulu...bisa di blogger, wordpress atau layanan blog gratis lainnya...tinggal pilih dah sana..:).

Nah kalo udah punya blog atau website tinggal pikirkan cara apa yang termudah yang bisa dilakukan untuk mendapatkan 100$ itu, dengan blog atau tanpa blog..terserah and...:)

Mendapatkan uang dari menulis artikel
Kalo kamu hobby nulis oh tentu saja hobby ;) buktinya punya blog.....kamu bisa posting tulisan-tulisan kamu ke sebuah web yang membayar setiap postingan kamu. Atau kalo kamu pandai mencari topik atau meringkas tulisan dari berbagai topik dengan gramar English yang bagus sekitar 200 atau 500 kata. Kenapa menggunakan kata...ya iya karena pembayarannya dihitung berdasarkan banyaknya kata...minimal 200 kata. Untuk pemula 500 kata dibayar sekitar $5. Selebihnya dibayar sekitar $30...jadi buat sekitar 4 artikel bisa dapat $100 lebih.

Cara kerjanya kurang lebih begini :
klien memberikan topik dan kata kunci yang harus dimasukkan ke dalam artikel. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk menulis artikel ini tergantung berapa banyak anda sudah tahu tentang topik dan seberapa cepat Anda dapat menemukan bahan-bahan yang Anda butuhkan untuk penelitian topik. Intinya siapa cepat dia dapat...bayangkan semua orang juga menginginkan $100!!

AssociatedContent membeli artikel dari anda. Minimal pembayaran adalah $3 hingga $5 per 500 kata, tetapi ada juga yang dibayar hingga $50 per artikel. Artikel ini tidak pernah diposting dimanapun.

web yang bisa anda coba :

Posting Komentar

Anda dibayar untuk mengirim komentar pada blog.kriterianya postingan tidak terlalu pendek dan harus relevan dengan isi.
Anda dapat menawarkan 5 postingan untuk mendapatkan dolar. jika masing-masing pos membutuhkan waktu satu menit anda akan bekerja sedikitnya 8 jam untuk mendapat $ 100.

Pay Per Sale, Affiliate Programs, dan komisi
Anda menjual produk seseorang kemudian mendapatkan komisi, biasanya berupa software atau ebook. Beberapa affilite program membayar lebih dari 50% komisi.

Program affiliasi yang lain misalnya untuk menjual buku atau lainnya. Komisinya rendah tetapi terkadang komisi yang diberikan cukup besar. Cara terbaik untuk menjual affiliasi adalah melalui forum-forum, diskusi atau group-group.

Menggunakan Blog sebagai Billboard
Menjadikan blog and sebagai tempat reviews, kemudian mendapatkan dollar dari pemasangan iklan ini...atau and ikuti beberapa affiliasi iklan untuk mendapatkan komisi...bisa juga ikuti program PPC (Paid per Click) misalnya dari google adsense. Program lain adalah reseller produk-produk affiliasi. Contoh affiliasi yang bisa anda ikuti free :Classifieds
atau daftarkan blog anda di

atau bila anda fasih english dan punya web bisa mendapatkan lebih dari $100 dengan mereviews produk-produk yang harus dikerjakan...melalui sponsored review linknya : sponsoredreviews
kalo di Indonesia ada tapi bayarannya pake rupiah...

Yang penting untuk memudahkan mendapatkan $100 adalah buat network sebanyak-banyaknya melalui facebook, multiply, friendster, forum-forum, dsb

Oke selamat mencoba


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Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

10 Great Blog Traffic Tips

. Minggu, 11 Januari 2009
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In every bloggers activity comes a adapted day - the day they aboriginal barrage a new blog. Now unless you went out and purchased anyone else’’s blog affairs are your blog launched with alone one actual loyal clairvoyant - you. Maybe a few canicule after you accustomed a few hits if you told your sister, father, adherent and best acquaintance about your new blog but that’’s about as far you went if it comes to award readers.

Here are the top 10 techniques new bloggers can use to acquisition readers. These are tips accurately for new bloggers, those humans who accept next-to-no admirers at the moment and wish to get the brawl rolling.

It helps if you plan on this account from top to basal as anniversary address builds on the antecedent footfall to admonition you actualize momentum. Eventually already you authorize abundant drive you accretion what is alleged “traction”, which is a ample abundant admirers abject (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no best accept to plan too harder on award new readers. Instead your accepted loyal readers do the plan for you through chat of mouth.

Top 10 Tips

10. Address at atomic 5 aloft “pillar” articles. A colonnade commodity is a tutorial appearance commodity aimed to advise your admirers something. Generally they are best than 500 words and accept lots of actual applied tips or advice. This commodity you are currently account could be advised a colonnade commodity aback it is actual applied and a acceptable “how-to” lesson. This appearance of commodity has continued appellation appeal, stays accepted (it isn’t account or time dependent) and offers absolute amount and insight. The added pillars you accept on your blog the better.

9. Address one new blog column per day minimum. Not every column has to be a pillar, but you should plan on accepting those 5 pillars done at the aforementioned time as you accumulate your blog beginning with a circadian account or abbreviate commodity appearance post. The important affair actuality is to authenticate to aboriginal time visitors that your blog is adapted all the time so they feel that if they arise aback tomorrow they will acceptable acquisition something new. This causes them to bookmark your website or subscribe to your blog feed.

You don”t accept to aftermath one column per day all the time but it is important you do if your blog is cast new. Already you get absorption you still charge to accumulate the beginning agreeable advancing but your loyal admirers will be added affectionate if you apathetic down to a few per anniversary instead. The aboriginal few months are analytical so the added agreeable you can aftermath at this time the better.

8. Use a able area name. If you are austere about blogging be austere about what you alarm your blog. In adjustment for humans to calmly advance the chat about your blog you charge a calmly enduring area name. Humans generally allocution about blogs they like if they are speaking to accompany in the absolute apple (that’’s the offline world, you bethink that abode right?) so you charge to accomplish it simple for them to advance the chat and canyon on your URL. Try and get a .com if you can and focus on baby simple to bethink domains rather than anguish about accepting the actual keywords (of advance if you can get abundant keywords and simple to bethink again you’ve done a acceptable job!).

7. Start commenting on added blogs. Already you accept your colonnade online writing and your circadian beginning abate online writing your blog is accessible to be apparent to the world. One of the best means to acquisition the adapted blazon of clairvoyant for your blog is to animadversion on added people’s blogs. You should aim to animadversion on blogs focused on a agnate alcove affair to castigation aback the readers there will be added acceptable to be absorbed in your blog.

Most blog commenting systems acquiesce you to accept your name/title affiliated to your blog if you leave a comment. This is how humans acquisition your blog. If you are a abounding commentor and consistently accept something admired to say again humans will be absorbed to apprehend added of your plan and appropriately bang through to appointment your blog.

6. Trackback and hotlink to added blogs in your blog posts. A trackback is array of like a blog conversation. If you address a new commodity to your blog and it links or references addition blogger’’s commodity you can do a trackback to their entry. What this does is leave a truncated arbitrary of your blog column on their blog access - it’’s array of like your blog cogent anyone else’s blog that you wrote an commodity advertence them. Trackbacks generally arise like comments.

This is a acceptable address because like abrogation comments a trackback leaves a hotlink from addition blog aback to castigation for readers to follow, but it aswell does something actual important - it gets the absorption of addition blogger. The added blogger will acceptable arise and apprehend your column acquisitive to see what you wrote about them. They may again become a loyal clairvoyant of castigation or at atomic adviser you and if you are advantageous some time down the alley they may do a column bond to your blog bringing in added new readers.

5. Animate comments on your own blog. One of the a lot of able means to argue anyone to become a loyal clairvoyant is to appearance there are added loyal readers already afterward your work. If they see humans commenting on your blog again they infer that your agreeable accept to be acceptable aback you accept readers so they should stick about and see what all the fuss is about. To animate comments you can artlessly affectation a catechism in a blog post. Be abiding to consistently acknowledge to comments as able-bodied so you can accumulate the chat going.

4. Abide your latest colonnade commodity to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a column in a blog that summarizes a accumulating of online writing from abounding altered blogs on a specific topic. The abstraction is to aggregate some of the best agreeable on a affair in a accustomed week. Generally abounding added blogs hotlink aback to a carnival host and as such the humans that accept online writing featured in the carnival generally adore a fasten in new readers.

To acquisition the adapted blog carnival for your blog, do a seek at

3. Abide your blog to To be honest this tip is not traveling to accompany in a flood of new readers but it’’s so simple to do and alone takes 5 account so it’’s account the effort. Go to Blog Top Sites, acquisition the adapted class for your blog and abide it. You accept to archetype and adhesive a brace of curve of cipher on to your blog so you can rank and again sit aback and watch the cartage arise in. You will apparently alone get 1-10 admission readers per day with this address but over time it can body up as you ascend the rankings. It all helps!

2. Abide your online writing to This is addition tip that doesn’t accompany in hundreds of new visitors anon (although it can if you accumulate accomplishing it) but it’’s advantageous because you artlessly advantage what you already accept - your colonnade articles. Already a anniversary or so yield one of your colonnade online writing and abide it to Ezine Articles. Your commodity again becomes accessible to added humans who can republish your commodity on their website or in their newsletter.

How you account is through what is alleged your “Resource Box”. You actualize your own ability box which is like a signature book area you cover one to two sentences and hotlink aback to your website (or blog in this case). Anyone who publishes your commodity has to cover your ability box so you get admission links. If anyone with a ample newsletter publishes your commodity you can get a lot of new readers at once.

1. Address added colonnade articles. Aggregate you do aloft will admonition you to acquisition blog readers about all of the techniques I’ve listed alone plan if you accept able pillars in place. Without them if you do aggregate aloft you may accompany in readers but they won’t break or bother to arise back. Aim for one solid colonnade commodity per anniversary and by the end of the year you will accept a database of over 50 absurd affection online writing that will plan harder for you to accompany in added and added readers.

I achievement you enjoyed my account of cartage tips. Aggregate listed aloft are techniques I’ve put into abode myself for my blogs and accept formed for me, about it’’s absolutely not a absolute list. There are abounding added things you can do. Award readers is all about testing to see what works best for you and your admirers and I accept no agnosticism if you put your apperception to it you will acquisition a antithesis that works for you.

This commodity was accounting by a bedfellow blogger by the name of Yaro Starak who is a able blogger and my blog mentor. He is the baton of the Blog Mastermind mentoring affairs advised to advise bloggers how to acquire a abounding time assets blogging allotment time.

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How To Get High Page Rank Links For Free

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Using social bookmarking or social media websites is a relatively easy way to get traffic to your website. These resources can be used very successfully to not only help your website with getting direct traffic from these sites, but also help with getting your website into the search engines for the keywords you’re going after.

The first thing to do is to compose your article, your blog post, or your web page. You can use any number of free websites to create your content. This is the first thing that needs to happen before you’ll get the benefits of social networking for your site specifically. You can always start with other people’s websites or web pages, but typically you’ll get the most benefit by doing some of both.

Once you’re ready to go with your blog post or article, you’ll need to setup new accounts with the social bookmarking sites you can find on The advantage of using a service like this is that you’ll be able to bookmark your articles or blog posts with one main website instead of having to repeat the process and visit multiple websites with each bookmarking process.

The first thing you’ll add is a title. This title should not only include the blog post title or article title, but should also include the main primary keyword phrase that you’re trying to use to get rankings. If you can start with this as your title, you’ll have a better chance of getting ranked for those keywords.

When you bookmark your site, you’ll also be prompted with a description that you’ll want to include which should have in it your keyword phrases as well. This description should also be a strong call to action. People will often read or scan this description and make their decision on whether they click through or not. These social bookmarking sites are still another click away from your website.

You’ll be prompted for your web address which you’ll need to supply. Just make sure this is the web address for the exact page that you’re trying to get ranked or “deep linked”. If you use the main domain instead of the specific article or blog post page, you’ll get those links blocked because they’ll be duplicates. Basically, make sure you’re bookmarking only individual pages assuming you’ve already added bookmarks for the main domain using your most appropriate keyword phrase for the entire site.

Tags are another thing you’ll be prompted for when bookmarking your sites. These tags are basically keywords, usually 1-2 word keyword phrases that can be used to identify relatively broadly the article or blog post. As tags, you should use both a main keyword phrase that you’re trying to get ranked as well as some of the more broad keyword phrases that better represent what people on these social bookmarking sites will actually search for. These sites are a lot like a search engines that people use to find very relevant updated content on their search topics.

These are some relatively easy ways to get traffic back to your website. One of the things about this is that it becomes difficult to stay organized. I personally don’t try too hard to stay organized on this as I do have analytics installed on my website so I can track where most of my traffic comes from. You’ll tend to see patterns that some sites will work better than others at generating traffic.
About the Author:
Brian’s expertise is in outsourcing and search engine optimization, specifically as applied to internet business owners that Brian helps setup for their internet merchant account.

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Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Free Download Ebook : Make Money With Adsense 2008

. Kamis, 08 Januari 2009
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How to :

- signup to adsense
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- Optimising your web page
- Getting Traffic

download for free here

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Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

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. Rabu, 07 Januari 2009
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Free Ebook : 50 Cara Cerdas Menggunakan Waktu

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Free Ebook : Kamus Istilah Blogger

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Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Free EBook : Adsense Ebook

. Senin, 05 Januari 2009
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Free Ebook about adsense for download

here is the link :


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Free EBook : Mendulang Ratusan Dollar dengan SponsoredReviews

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Panduan lengkap berdasarkan pengalaman menerima pemasukan dollar hingga ratusan dari sponsoredreview :

Cara mendaftarkan diri
Tutorial pendaftaran dan langkah-langkahnya disertai image webnya
Bagaimana memproses review untuk pemula
Bagaimana melakukan tawar menawar dengan advertiser
Bagaimana cara memperoleh dollar dengan advertiser
cara mendapatkan passive income dengan sponsoredreview

Ebook ini sangat bagus untuk para newbie dan blogger untuk segera berburu dollar..


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Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

Free Online Radio

. Jumat, 02 Januari 2009
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Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Berburu Uang Dollar di Internet dengan PTC

. Kamis, 01 Januari 2009
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Pengen dapat uang dengan gampang tanpa cape sah-sah saja selama tidak ada yang dirugikan dan dilakukan dengan benar...ciee..benar nih. Ya iyalah masa ya iya dong, apalagi jaman sekarang nyari kerja susah banget, belum juga bekerja eh dah dipecat duluan...hihihi..maksudnya gak da yang nerima....
daripada nganggur dan gak ada pemasukan sama sekali mendingan coba saja berburu bisnis lewat internet.....bayarannya pun kalo orang luar yang ngadain dengan dollar...
Modalnya cuma terkoneksi lewat internet...

Nih salah satu program yang bisa dicoba, dengan hanya bermodalkan keahlian mengklik iklan..hehehe...
Sudah pernah dengar PTC? PTC atau kependekan dari Paid to Click adalah program online earning tertua di internet. Waktu pertama kali berburu dolar di internet pertengahan tahun 2000 lalu. Caranya cukup sederhana. Anda hanya akan diminta untuk mengklik link iklan menuju ke suatu situs. Lihat deh situs itu selama 20-30 detik (gak dilihat juga sebenarnya gpp sih), maka account Anda akan dialiri dolar. Bayaran sekitar $0.01-0.01 per klik. Mudah, bukan?

Ups $0.01-0.1 itu kan kecil? Memang iya. Cuma yang namanya dolar ya tetap dolar biarpun nilainya kecil. Toh, nilai yang kecil itu bila dikumpul-kumpulkan lama-lama akan menjadi besar juga. Coba hitung $0.01 dikali seribu jadi berapa? Lagipula effort yang Anda keluarkan boleh dibilang tidak ada. Apa susahnya sih mengklik sebuah link? Kegiatan ini bahkan bisa Anda lakukan sembari surfing, searching, blogging, chatting, bahkan kencing. :)) Artinya, program ini benar-benar mudah serta almost effortless. Yah, hitung-hitung sambilan di sela-sela menunggu proses loading data ataupun download file. Daripada bete kan?tambahan penghasilan sebesar $10-50 per bulan rasanya cukup lumayan deh. Bila mau sedikit bermodal, Anda dapat membayar sejumlah uang untuk menaikkan status keanggotaan menjadi premium member. Peluang penghasilannya jauh lebih besar karena nilai klik-nya juga berbeda. Semakin besar lagi komisi Anda jika Anda pandai mengajak orang lain menjadi referal. Anda akan dibayar untuk setiap member yang berhasil diajak bergabung plus bonus tambahan dari setiap klik yang dilakukan oleh member rekrutan Anda tersebut. Singkatnya, meskipun hasilnya tak sebanyak program-program lain, PTC tetap menjanjikan sebagai salag satu sumber penghasilan online.

Tapi hati-hati loh dengan SCAM alias penipuan, banyak PTC curang yang tidak mau membayar hasil klik-kan kita...wah kelaut tuh dollar dan usaha kita selama ini sia-sia saja...makanya pilih PTC yang emang sudah berkualitas....

ini dia alamat web PTC yang bisa direkomendasikan untuk registrasi:


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