Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

You should be know the rule to earn money from : Google Adsense, LinkWorth, eMinimalls, WidgetBucks

. Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

Google AdSense
Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, unobtrusive Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.

It's also a way for web site publishers to provide Google search to their site users, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.
The program is free, and combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages. So go ahead and try this program. If you comply with this program policies, just complete online application and select either or both of AdSense for content pages and AdSense for search. One application gets you approved for both AdSense and AdSense for search - you can decide to use any combination of these products on your pages.

Google will review your application and follow up with an email within 2-3 days. If you are accepted into the program, you can log in to your new account and get the HTML code to insert into your web pages.

Earning Types: CPC, CPM, CPA
Payment: Check, EFT
Ad Types: Text, Image and Video based ads are available. Different ads on will pay different CPCs (EG Debt Consolidation CPCs might be $5 while game site CPCs might be $0.02)
payout: %40 - %70

following these simple rules will help keep your account in good standing:
1.Don't click on your own Google ads.
2.Don't ask others to click on Google ads.
3.Don't employ pop-up prompts or automatic software installations.
4.Be aware of how your site is promoted.
5.Don't place Google ads on sites that contain prohibited content.
6.Respect Google trademarks.
7.Don't tamper with the AdSense code.
8.Provide a positive user experience.
9.Provide a good environment for advertisers.
10.Be responsive.
11.Do not mask ad elements.
12.Do not place more than 3 ad units and 3 ad links or 2 adsense search boxes on any web page.
13.Do not run competitive contextual text ad or search services on the same site.
14.Never launch a New Page for clicked ads by default.
15.Place ads only on Content Pages.
16.Do not alter the results after ad clicks or searches

Link Worth
LinkWorth is one of the web's largest and most innovative marketing portals that caters to both Advertisers and Partners.
They have a multitude of products and services to fill your every online marketing need.
They products consist of text link ads, paid blog reviews, in-text links, in-content pay per click ads, rotating text ads, hosted content pages, article submission, directory submission and many more.
We highly reccomend checking out Linkworth and see if you can increase your web traffic and revenue.

LinkWorth for Advertisers:

* Buy ads and increase traffic, visibility and search positions
* SEO/SEM Consulting, Reputation Management
* Article Distribution, Directory Submission, Press Releases, Custom Content & more
* Huge inventory of publishers growing daily
* Perfect backend for Agencies to White Label or Add-on to existing services
* Use our Control Center to manage one or all of your accounts with one login

LinkWorth for Partners:

* Sell ads and monetize your site with relatively little maintenance
* Earn up to 70% of ad revenue recurring monthly in most situations
* Get paid to blog and write reviews for products & services
* Tons of advertisers, from Fortune 500 to small businesses
* The more websites you list, the more money you earn
* Manage all of your published ads and websites with our Control Center

Payment: Check, Wire transfer, Paypal
payout: %70
minimums: Partner websites must be complete with working pages and links between pages. Submissions must be a unique domain that is owned by the Webmaster and easily maintained. Listings that reside on free web servers that result in long and confusing subdirectory URLs will be declined.

Chitika eMiniMalls
More than 12000 bloggers and publishers are already using Chitika's ads to earn revenue.
Earning Types: CPC
Payment: Check, Wire transfer, Paypal
payout: %60
minimums: English website/blog, minimum 3000 visits/month
Ad Types:

* eMiniMalls
Chitika's flagship product, eMiniMalls brings pay-per-click product promotion to life on the web. It provides visitors with relevant content and comparative shopping information without even leaving your site.
* Related Products Unit (RPU)
RPU is a simple, non-intrusive text link format that integrates right in to your content, requiring minimal design changes. The RPU is a PPC (pay-per-click) unit designed to complement rather than cannibalize revenue from other ad networks.
* ShopLincs
ShopLinc gives you the power to create your own personalized shopping experience for your audience. Your expert reviews will be featured alongside the products you choose to endorse!
* ShopCloud$
Display popular products in an interactive tag cloud format where each product is linked to cost-per-click (CPC) search results featuring deals, promotions and offers from hundreds of name brand merchants.
* Owna
Showcase one of thousands of products in any of five Ownas on your blog, website or myspace! OWNA's are available in different skins to provide diverse looks.
* Linx
Chitika | Linx will automatically identify key products/keywords mentioned in the content on a website or blog and hyperlink (double underline) those keywords to interactive paid (CPC-based) product listings featuring best deals, offers and promotions from name brand merchants. When users mouse-over these links, a small bubble-like scroll over is revealed listing offers from merchants.

Widget Bucks

WidgetBucks is a shopping widget that you can place on your website or blog. You earn money every time someone clicks on it. just like Google Adsense, They pay-per-click (PPC). also They are claiming an amazing $3-$6 CPM on widgets, about three times that of traditional ad networks.

the widgets’ content is contextually based according to your site’s content. From there, readers and site visitors can see various information regarding certain products, such as the lowest price available, and from which online retailer.

There are about 5 or so different widget sizes to choose from, and they are all fairly customizable in terms of color, to be better matched with your existing website. a “grab it” option will soon be made available for its widgets, enabling visitors to take the widgets to be placed on their own site.

widgetbucks 300x250 pixels ad

In order to encourage you to sign up or the WidgetBucks program, it’s offering you a $25 credit, meaning you’ll only need to earn another $25 to get your first payment. The shopping widgets are a bit flashy and very much resemble an ad.

Earning Types: CPC, CPM
Payment: Check, Paypal
payout: about $0.3-$6 eCPM
minimums: English website/blog
Ad Types:
770x90 leaderboard widget can earn up to a $7.28 eCPM
160x600 skyscraper widget can get up to a $6.05 eCPM
300x250 rectangle widget can earn up to a $5.50 eCPM
660x330 custom widget can earn up to a $4.65 eCPM
468x60 banner widget can earn up to a $4.50 eCPM

Visit the site for more datails

1 komentar:

Ek4zone mengatakan...

happiness sunday, keep smile n spirit menghadapi minggu ini sobat... tmnmu satu nie akan slalu setia menemani... (have a nice week)

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